"As a Nonbinary Latine, I Am My Own Wildest Dream" for Refinery 29, July 2023
“I’m A Queer Latinx Woman. Philly’ Women’s March Didn’t Represent Me.” Philadelphia Inquirer. 2018
Academic Publications
2019. López-Rodriguez, Nic. “Trans Health Information Project: A Peer-led HIV Prevention Intervention to Promote HIV Protection for Individuals of Transgender Experience” National Association of Social Workers Press​
2018. López-Rodriguez, Nic. “Looking Class: Bregando” WHYY Commonspace Live​
2016. López-Rodriguez, Nic. “Hija, Free of Fight” Collection of Poems, Rutgers University thesis publication,
Literary Publication:
Glisch-Sánchez, David, López-Rodriguez, Nic. Sana, Sana: Latinx Pain and Radical Visions for Healing & Justice, Common Notions Press, July 2023
Literary Journal & Anthology Publications
2016. López-Rodriguez, Nic. “Jefferson Station Hustle” The Gordian Review, 59
2016. López-Rodriguez, Nic. “Of the Splendor In Between” The Gordian Review, 60-61
2008. López-Rodriguez, Nic. “Sobrevivir”, Sinister Wisdom Magazine 74th Edition
2008. López-Rodriguez, Nic. “One Miraculous Day”, Sinister Wisdom Magazine 74th Edition,
Online Magazine Publications
“Bro's Before Hoe's: Hyper-Masculinity and Invisibility of Bisexuality in Stud Culture”, Queer Women of
Color Media Wire, 2013
“Pastora Galvan and the Queering of Flamenco” Philadelphia Flamenco Festival Review, 2014